We feature quality made bits from Weaver, Kelly and more.  All of our bits are made of Stainless Steel, except for a few bits priced under $15.00.  Used to communicate with the equine you are riding or driving, bits are one of the most important pieces of tack you can own.  Finding the right bit for both horse and rider is often a matter of trial and error.  What works for one horse, may not work on another.  For specific help in selecting a bit we highly recommend seeking advice from a qualified trainer.

All Images are copywrite of: our manufacturers.
© 2025 Cirlce M Country, Escanaba, Mi.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit.  This bit provides a moderate leverage.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit
with no leverage.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit
with no leverage.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit
with no leverage.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit
with no leverage.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit
with no leverage.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit
with light leverage.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit
with no leverage.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Used in place of a traditional bit, providing
mild leverage.  Ideal for trail riding.
Commonly used as a starter bit on young horses.
This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used as a starter bit on young horses.
This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used as a starter bit on young horses.
This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Available in
3 Sizes
Available in
3 Sizes
Available in
2 Sizes
Available in
3 Sizes
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit
with no leverage.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly found on inexpensive Bridle Sets.
Commonly used on Pony Rings.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Commonly used to transition from a snaffle bit.   This bit provides a mild leverage.
Available in
2 Sizes
Used in place of a traditional bit, providing
mild leverage.  Ideal for trail riding.
Commonly used to correct training issues.
Not recommended for amateur riders.
Commonly used to correct training issues.
Not recommended for amateur riders.
Commonly used to correct training issues.
Not recommended for amateur riders.
Commonly used to correct training issues.
Not recommended for amateur riders.
Select Bit
Select Bit
Select Bit
Select Bit
Select Bit
Select Bit
Select Size
Stacy Westfall Sweet Iron
Medium Port 5" Bit
Stacy Westfall Sweet Iron
with Copper Inlay 5" Bit
5" Tom Thumb Bit with
6 1/2" Cheeks
5" Tom Thumb Bit with
Copper Mounth & 6 1/2" Cheeks
Tom Thumb with Copper
Mouth & 5 3/4" Cheeks
Tom Thumb with 6 1/4" Cheeks
5" Tough1 Sweet Iron
Wonder Bit

5" Argentine Sweet Iron 3-Piece
Mouth Bit with 6 1/2" Cheeks

5" Tough1 Sweet Iron Snaffle Offset Dee with Copper Inlay
5" Tough1 Sweet Iron with
Copper Inlay O-Ring Snaffle Bit
Nickle Plated
O-Ring Snaffle Bit
Copper Mouth Medium
Port Curb Bit
5" Copper Roller Mouth
Training Bit
5" Mullen Mouth
Training Bit
5" Sweet Iron Arch Bit
with Copper Inlay
Sweet Iron Short Shank
Gag Snaffle Bit
Braided Leather Noseband
5" Copper Mouth
Pleasure Curb Bit
5" Walking Horse
Pleasure Curb Bit
Rubber Nose Hackimore
5" Antique Short
Correction Bit
5" Antique
Correction Bit
5" Long Shank Copper
Correction Bit
5" Medium Shank Copper
Port Correction Bit
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